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Why Some Houses Sell & Others Just Sit

Connie Carlson

Connie's Resume & Experience Connie Carlson has been a top REALTOR® in Cobb County since 2004, consistently exceeding expectations and embracing ...

Connie's Resume & Experience Connie Carlson has been a top REALTOR® in Cobb County since 2004, consistently exceeding expectations and embracing ...

Mar 25 2 minutes read

Why Some Houses Sell & Others Just Sit

Putting your home on the market can be stressful and frustrating at times.  Especially if it doesn't sell right away.  You have listened to all the hype about how great the market is and how fast your home will sell.  But then, for some reason unknown to you, your home doesn't sell right away.  You start wondering what's wrong with your your agent doing everything possible to get it sold...and maybe, you're even questioning whether or not you should have listed it in the first place.

Selling can be stressful...but it doesn't have to be.  In today's Coffee with Connie I will explain why Some Houses Sell and Others Just Sit.  If you're looking to sell in the near future - not SIT - give us a call and we will guide you in pricing your home at a market price and guide you in getting it in the best condition to attract the highest offer.


Our Video Journey

For the last 5 years Connie has hosted a video blog (previously titled "Coffee With Connie").  In these short, instructive videos she provides insight on the real estate market, home ownership, and even some quality of life concepts.  We invite you to experience Dan and Connie's journey as Realtors and owners of a boutique brokerage.

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